Air Quality Modeling

Our air pollution meteorologists have extensive experience performing air quality modeling analyses to support NSR/PSD Permit applications, Health Risk Assessments, risk management planning, odor assessments, stack height optimization analyses, Supplemental Environmental Programs (SEP), air pathway analyses for superfund sites and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS). Our staff has extensive experience with US EPA modeling guidance and air quality models, including the ISC3, AERMOD, CALMET/CALPUFF, CTDMPLUS, CTSCREEN, ALOHA, TRACE and SLAB models.




CALMET Wind Field In Complex Terrain

Our staff project experience includes some of the following:

  • § Expert testimony to support for air quality permits applications.
  • § Ambient air quality analyses in support of new and modified plant permit                                 applications.
  • § National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and PSD increment                                           compliance demonstrations.
  • § Assessment of odor mitigation, stack height optimization and downwash impacts                    avoidance.
  • § Preliminary assessment of post-MACT implementation residual risk.
  • § Human health risk assessments.
  • § Facility site-layout optimization.
  • § Fluid modeling analysis and effective building dimensions.
  • § CALPUFF visibility/deposition analysis for Class I areas.

Additionally, AAQS has acquired an extensive database of meteorological surface, upper air data and MM4/MM5 data enabling rapid data processing and preparation of CALMET data files.  AAQS has 3 years of MM4/MM5 data for the entire continental United States.



3-Dimensional Project Modeling Area